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21 day food diary challenge instructions.

Hi in this post we’d like to talk to you about the fitbits 21 day food diary challenge. [Right click, save as to download spreadsheet]
In a moment we’ll show you:
  1. How to calculate the amount of calories you need per day for a workout day as opposed to non workout day.
  2. Adjust your diet / meal plan to match
  3. Quickly plan 21 days of eating
  4. Print your diary and progress tracker.

Let’s get started.

download food diary

 21 Day Food Diary Challenge Step 1.21 day food diary challenge
On the first tab of the fitbits 21 day food diary challenge spreadsheet you will see the Harris–Benedict Daily Calorific Needs Equation.
Enter in your height, age and weight typing over the top of the values there in the male or female section.
Then if you are trying to lose weight have a look at cells in step 3 and decide how often will you exercise.fitbits 21 food diary challenge
Little to no exercise is your off day calorific needs. Depending on how often you train – that will be your training day needs.
Write these down.
If you are looking to gain mass – have a look at section 4.
21 Day Food Diary Challenge Step 2
food diary challenge
Next go to the 2nd tab of the spreadsheet. Example off day diet.
Enter in the “off day” calorific needs in the green cell underneath the meal plan.
When you hit enter, notice the grams of food change.
Do the same on the 3rd tab for you “training day” meal plan.
21 Day Food Diary Challenge Step 3
Now here is a disclaimer. We strongly recommend you see a GP, professional strength & conditioning coach, dietician, personal trainer or nutritionist to set your meal plan for your personal circumstances before you proceed.12 day diary challenge
Having said that have a close look at the meal plans and see there are 3 options for each of the 5 meals per day.
If you don’t like anything choose another option.
If you don’t like any use an app like MyFitnessPal to make your own replacement.
21 Day Food Diary Challenge Step 4
When you have decided what options you like copy and paste the meal plan in the 21 day diary.
21 day food diary challenge
Use the “paste special – values” option to get the portion size grams in.
You will need to decide what days do you workout and what days are off days.
You might not do this all at once, preferring to do it one day at a time.
That’s OK so long as you have a plan the night before the day.
21 Day Food Diary Challenge Step 521 day food diary challenge
Now go to the tab called progress tracker.
Clear the values from day 0 and day 22. Add your own figures to Day 0.
print 21 day food diaryNow to make a print out press “control P” in Windows or “command P” on a mac.
Choose to print the entire workbook or just the active sheet.
Stick the progress tracker on the mirror where you brush your teeth.
Go shopping for what you need to eat well for the days ahead.
21 Day Food Diary Challenge Step 6.
On the night before the day ahead, review your food plan and make sure you have what you need.
daily food diary
Adjust the plan to substitute anything you are stocked out of.
Try to eat as per plan recording what you eat on the right side of the diary.
At the end of the day review how you did, what you could have done better, anything you learnt as to why you did what you did?
Put a big red X through the day you just completed a food diary entry for.
Then rinse and repeat to plan for tomorrow.
You are on the way to building new habits & after 21 days complete the final measurements in the progress tracker.
food diary sparedsheet
  • Don’t eat the same on days you train.
  • Plan to eat things you like in moderation using the MyFitnessPal to create meals that match your personal calorific needs.
  • Copy, paste, print your plan ahead of the day.
  • Review progress nightly & feel good about those red crosses adding up.
That’s our 21 day food diary challenge for you.
Let us know how you get on.
Jodie & Anthony
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